
Knowledge Extraction and Visualization
Scala, JavaScript

I worked within a team consisting of students from the University of Waterloo and Professor S. Garan from the University of California, Berkeley, on NLP relation extraction and visualization. I was responsible for building a data pipeline to allow the relation extraction program to processing abstracts from PubMed. I also worked on parsing a human anatomy tree, a web app that can visualize binary relations, and a tool to curate extracted relations. Technologies I work with include Scala, Docker, Sigma.js, D3.js, React, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Knowledge Extraction on GitHub Knowledge Visualization on GitHub Relation Extraction Web App on GitHub Relation Curation Tool Body Anatomy Tree Constructor on GitHub
Sleep Guardian
Python, Android, JavaScript

Combine browser history with mobile app usage events to calculate how much you sleep each night, eliminating the need for any user data entry under the assumption you use your phone, tablet, or computer before and after sleeping. This idea was envisioned by a friend and three of us built it together at Hack the North.

Source Code on GitHub View Live Web App Devpost
UW Course Alerter

Sometimes when enrolling for courses, students cannot enroll in the section they wish, or not in the course at all. It is also slow to check Quest for availability, the registration system of the University of Waterloo. UW Courser Alerter is made to make registering for desired courses and sections easier. Currently, an API is available to check for course availability and send email notifications if the course or section is available and a sample cron client is made that calls this API regularly.

Source Code on GitHub
Waterloo Region ION Survey
Node.js with AngularJS

I worked with an Civil Engineering undergrad and a Civil Engineering Graduate student to create a single page web application to collect surveys on people's thoughts about the LRT project in the Kitchener-Waterloo region. I architected this web application, wrote more than 70% of the code, and maintain it on Heroku.

View Live Web App
Legacy Projects